Friday, 30 November 2007

The Honest Way to Blag a Blog

The Honest Way to blag a blog is to use an almost unused blog to promote another blog!

Well if that sounds strange, it's not and it's perfectly honest!

So this blog was used more often in the past to push some link juice to it's big brother, my main Honest Way site and blog by simply mentioning it in posts and linking to it - like this one is doing right now.

Another use it to give a little something to some of my other free blogs that need a link or two to get them going. So here's some link juice to my other free blogs:

PayDay Loans Page
My Designer Bag
Bob Marley Music Page
Jennifer Lopez Music Page
Cheap Digital eBooks
Celebrity Gossip Page

And here's some for my other self hosted blogs:

Make Money
Make Money Blog
Alternative Cures
For Dogs
Natural and Organic Food

It makes it worth while keeping this one going after all, because none of these free blogs that I have in here are just sitting idly by gathering cyber-dust. They all have a purpose.

Terry Didcott
The Honest Way