Sunday, 30 September 2007

Don't Buy Me A Beer Either!

I've already blogged about this growing trend amongst bloggers who have a small icon with a beer mug or a coffee cup saying something like:

If you like this blog, please donate so I can keep drinking coffee to keep me awake so I can keep writing... or some such nonsense.


Buy me a beer? Buy me a cafe latte? More like "Got change for a cuppa, guv?" as the tramp standing outside the greasy spoon with his hand out might say to the passing businessman in a suit.

Yep - it's begging. No other word for it.

If you don't want to encourage tramps, you don't give them money, right?

So that's why you'll never see me on any of my blogs asking for handouts - I'm not a beggar, I'm an online businessman who would much prefer to sell you something rather than take money from you for nothing.

Terry Didcott
The Honest Way

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Private Advertising The Honest Way

Over at my main blog, I just posted about a great opportunity to invest in some private advertising with the site at a greatly discounted price.

So if you are looking to use a blog to get the word out, whether you want to use text ads, banner ads or have a review written especially for your site or blog, head over to The Honest Way Blog and check out the new "Advertise Here" page on the menu bar.

Terry Didcott

Saturday, 22 September 2007

More Posts at the Other Place!

This just a short post as time is a little short!

I'm keeping the other Honest Way blog well stocked and up-to-date with lots of great posts full of plenty of useful information. So if you found yourself here and wondered where all the good stuff is, then click HERE to get yourself over to there and see what it's all about!

Terry Didcott
The Honest Way

Thursday, 13 September 2007

An Online Version of QVC?

You are among the first to hear about and potentially profit from this.
Now most of you will have heard of QVC, the cable TV show that advertises stuff and sells it all at bargain prices every day! This show attracts an incredible number of viewers.
Well, imagine a similar thing in the online world.
I just heard about this and was impressed enough to jump right on it.
DealDotCom have what looks like a killer affiliate program to go with their new site that will sell one item per day at a huge discount! I signed up as an affiliate and would love to extend the offer to you too. You can click on one of the links and be nice to me by signing up with my link - then start promoting it yourself and get people to sign up with yours!
The best bit is: It’s free to sign up!
Just like QVC, they sell consumer goods at bargain basement prices. As an affiliate, for every customer that you send there who buys, you get paid! The site is in pre-launch at the moment but is about to go live any day now.
So what are you waiting for?
You can click here: DealDotCom to go to their site. Note: No you can't, I removed the link.
Terry Didcott

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Blogging With Intent

The whole reason this blog was put up in the first place was to hopefully drive lots of curious visitors to the main website.

Once there, they will be able to see what's going on in terms of new free to read articles, resources and information to help anyone coming into the business of Internet Marketing to get started and do things the right way and at least stand a chance of succeeding in this cut-throat business!

Well it wasn't long before I realised that it made more sense from a traffic and popularity point of view to set up this blog on the main host, which I did. But I didn't delete this one, because I came to the conclusion back then that it would still have some value in terms of helping the main site and its new blog with its traffic flow.

To some extent it has, but I made the mistake of leaving this to stew for a few months with no new entries and that was a shame, because had I kept up with this, it would now be a useful additional source of income from advertising.

Why, well as I mentioned in a previous post, this blog managed to get a PR1 from Google, which, while not a massive accolade was at least better than the blog on the main host ever got. Which meant that any links from here to the main site carried a little more weight and could help with the rating over there.

Well, maybe it will be enough to tip the balance in the right direction - we'll see.

For now, it's still worth keeping this blog fed with new posts because people do read it and will be curious to see the other blogs I author and hopefully learn a whole lot of stuff from my main The Honest Way site!

So if you haven't already been over to see what's new, so there now - you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Terry Didcott